I am sooooo disappointed with the Beautiful Creatures movie as an adaptation that it makes me sick! If I hadn't read the book it would have been amazing. But because it was a conversion from a book that I love to a movie that basically just used the title and main characters, it broke my heart... I can understand leaving out parts of the plot that don't pertain to the main story, but the writer completely omitted important characters and whole concepts!! For example: Ethan's dad (mentioned but never interacted with or even seen) and Aunt Marion (the librarian and Keeper), and other family members of Lena's (her other cousins, Reese and Ryan, who have important caster roles), were just erased. Marion's absence makes me the most upset; she is a prominent character and needed a role in the film. Instead they made Amma the Keeper, which makes absolutely no sense to me. Why?!? Also missing is the fact that Macon is an Incubus, not a dark caster (and the fact that Incubuses even exist) were deleted from the entire story. Not to mention this terrible excuse for a screen writer totally changed the climax AND the ending and in doing so, along with concept changes, left us without the option of a sequel. The next book deals with Macon's history and being an Incubus, Ethan and Lena coming to grips with the real outcome of her claiming, and it lays the ground work for the.following books/sequels...It was a good stand alone movie, and it was awesome seeing the characters come alive, but I just hate the writer/director for ruining the story when adapting it into a film. EPIC FAIL!

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